The Sofitel MyBed™ experience
Shop NowDiscover the ultimate in luxurious rest with the Sofitel MyBed™. Offering the ideal blend of support and softness, this guest-favorite bed is where dreams begin. Envelop yourself in unparalleled comfort and experience the art of sleep as you’ve never known it before.
Discover the ultimate in luxurious rest with the Sofitel MyBed™. This guest-favorite is where dreams begin.
Shop NowA home collection designed to last
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“I ordered a Sofitel MyBed and pillows after staying at a Sofitel hotel because I loved the comfort of the bed and bedding. I hadn’t slept that well in a long time. It’s a joy to experience the same comfort every night.”
- Christine
“Quick order process, super-fast delivery. I would recommend the mattress topper to everyone. It's a luxurious comfort piece that makes life better.”
- Johanna
“Sleeping on a Sofitel mattress topper has significantly improved the quality of my sleep every night.”
- Olivier
“These pillows are just perfect.”
- Caroline
“Amazing speed and kindness from the customer service team. Fast and efficient delivery. Well done!”
- Gregory
“I’ve been dealing with neck pain and needed a good pillow like the ones you find in hotels. I treated myself to one and it arrived in a lovely cover with a complimentary pillowcase. I’m thrilled with this purchase—it truly lives up to expectations!”
- Mrs. A